A more detailed description of the ECM program is
here .
ECM is located in the directory ecm/ of the SDA distribution.
To run SDA, the effective charges for 2 proteins can be prepared using
script like
the one below:
cp p1.pdb dum.pdb
\rm dum.grd; ln -s ep1.grd dum.grd
$ECM_BIN/ecm_mksites < p1.pdb > p1.tcha
$ECM_BIN/ecm_expand < ecm.in
> ecm.ou
$ECM_BIN/ecm_regularize >> ecm.ou
$ECM_BIN/ecm_mkreglev 1.0 < ecm.ou >
$ECM_BIN/ecm_mkecharges < reg_lev >> ecm.ou
\rm dum.echa dum.echa_E; mv ecm.ou ecm.ou-1
mv dum.echa_R p1.echa
cp p2.pdb dum.pdb; cp p2.tcha dum.tcha
\rm dum.grd; ln -s ep2.grd dum.grd
$ECM_BIN/ecm_mksites <
p2.pdb > p2.tcha
$ECM_BIN/ecm_expand < ecm.in > ecm.ou
$ECM_BIN/ecm_regularize >> ecm.ou
$ECM_BIN/ecm_mkreglev 1.0 < ecm.ou > reg_lev
$ECM_BIN/ecm_mkecharges < reg_lev >> ecm.ou
\rm dum.echa dum.echa_E; mv ecm.ou ecm.ou-2
mv dum.echa_R p2.echa
The first part of this script is for the first solute and the
second - for the second. To generate effective charges for
solute 1, ECM uses its pdb file
(in standard PDB file format) and the file with the electrostatic
ep1.grd (UHBD
format). Several ECM routines (located in a directory defined
running the script above as environmental variable ECM_BIN) perform the
task of fitting electrostatic potentials to effective charges.
The parameter at the command line of the program ecm_mkreglev (1.0 in
script) defines the maximal deviation of the effective charges
from the test charge values. The test charge sites and values are
computed by ECM
routine ecm_mksites and can be modified before executing further steps
of the ECM script above.
Input file for the expansion routine can have a form like this :
------------------ pdb file name
------------------ file with test
charges for the molecule
------------------ grid file name and
its UHBD format (0-binary, 1
------------------ probe radius (A),
skin thickness (A):
expansion done in [probe; probe+skin] interval
4.0, 3.0
------------------ ionic strength
solvent relative dielectric constant
50., 78.
------------------ file to write
effective charges to
------------------ nothing else
Alternatively, a recent version of ecm does all
steps (after assigning test charge sites with ecm_mksites) with a
single program, ecm_all, call. No re-calculation of charges using
previously calculated fitting results is possible in ecm_all.
ecm_all -fp fpdb -ft ftch -fg fgrd -gf gform -pr prob -sk skin -is ios
-es epssol
-rl reg_lev -rc regch -fe fech
fpdb |
pdb file name (dum.pdb)
ftch |
test charge file name (dum.tcha)
electrostatic potential grid
filename (dum.grd)
ep grid file format, 0 =bin, 1
=ascii (0)
prob |
probe radius - to construct skin
(4Å) |
skin |
skin thickness (3Å) |
ios |
ionic strength in mM (150 mM) |
epssol |
solvent dielectric constant
(78.5) |
reglev |
regularisation level |
regch |
max charge deviation after
regularisation (1.0 e) |
fec |
effective charge file name
(dum.echa) |
If some parameter is not specified, default values (in brackets) will
be used. Note that only one version
(_R, not
by solvent dielectric) of effective charges are written. You can
use auxiliary program
to do
conversions if necessary.
This program is located in the auxi/ directory of the SDA distribution.
mk_ed_grd reads in parameters from the input file, reads the pdb file
for a solute as specified in the input file (p1.pdb in the file below)
write the electrostatic desolvation penalty potentials to the file
specified in the input file (p1ed.grd). >
mk_ed_grd < input_file >
The input file can look
like this:
1.0, 110,110,110
50. 78. 2.0
#------------------------------ pfile
#------------------------------ gfile,
Here, the first 4 parameters give the electrostatic desolvation grid
(Å) and the grid dimensions along the x,y,z directions. The
second set of
parameters are for the ionic strength (mM), solvent dielectric
constant and ion radius (A) relevant to defining the ionic strength
conditions. The last parameter is to define if the UHBD format output
file is to be written in
binary (0) or ascii (1) format. >
The output grid contains the electrostatic desolvation penalties for a
charge due to the low dielectric cavity of the solute treated as a
collection of atom-centered spheres having radii equal to atomic van
der Waals radii,
reference. For a
charge, one has to multiply the values on the grid with the square of
the charge. For more than one charge, this approach gives
approximate desolvation penalties, because no mutual influence of these
charges are taken into account .
The solute's low dielectric cavity as a region inside
a molecular surface can be modeled by using a correction factor to this
penalty, see
reference .
This program is located in the auxi/ directory of the SDA distribution.
mk_hd_grd reads in parameters from the input file, reads the pdb file
for a solute as specified in the input file (p1.pdb in the file below)
write the hydrophobic desolvation penalty potentials to the file
specified in the input file (p1hd.grd). Usage:
mk_hd_grd < input_file >
The input file can look
like this:
1.0, 110,110,110
3.10, 4.35, 0.5
#------------------------------ pfile
#------------------------------ gfile,
Here the first 4 parameters give the hydrophobic desolvation grid
(Å) and the grid dimensions along the x,y,z directions. The
second set of
parameters specifies the region where this potential is defined and the
scaling factor for the calculated potential. The last parameter
is to define if UHBD format output file is to be written in
binary (0) or ascii (1) format.
This program assigns a value of
(parameter "factor" in the input file above) to a point if this point
is within distance
a (in
Å) from the
surface of the protein,
zero if a point is further than
(in Å) from the surface and a linearly interpolated value if a
point is
In SDA, the solvent accessibilities of
the atoms of the second solute are multiplied by the value of this
grid at
the location of the atoms of the second solute. It appears that many
different values of
a and
b give the buried areas to an
accuracy of ca 10%:
The errors above are for estimating the buried area for a collection of
encounter complexes
up to a
constant factor, different values of a and
b approximate the buried area with different factors.
Recommended values are
a=3.10 Å
4.35 Å and
The value factor=0.5 is to compensate for the factor of 2 in
calculating the buried area by multiplying the solvent accessible areas
atoms with the grid values calculated using the above values of
a and
b. With these parameters, the
procedure used in SDA
gives the most accurate approximation to the buried area. With
this parameters in mk_hd_grd, the parameter
is a parameter to multiply
the buried area to get the hydrophobic desolvation energy in units
of kcal/mole/Å
2. >
If other values of a and b are used, it is recommended to calculate the
hydrophobic desolvation energies for a set of encounter complexes using
SDA and compare them to energies calculated differently to relate SDA
energies to energies calculated using buried areas.
Other programs in the auxi/ directory of the SDA
apbs2uhbd.f |
Convert an APBS potential grid
(exported as
uhbd, in ascii format, in kT/e units) to UHBD format (binary, in
kcal/mole). Default conversion factor is 0.6, the user can specify
another factor on the command line as the third argument. Usage:
apbs2uhbd ascii_APBS_file
bin_UHBD_file factor_optonal(0.6)
Converts UHBD ascii grid to
binary format, usage:
ascii2bin ascii_file binary_file
Converts UHBD binary grid to
ascii format, usage:
bin2ascii binary_file ascii_file |
echa4toecha5.f |
Converts effective charges used
in version 4 of SDA to
effective charges used in SDA version 5, see details here. The former charges
obtained from the latter by dividing by
the solvent dielectric constant. This is read from the ECM written
line of the effective charge file, or set to 78.5 when no such line is
found. If a
switch -inv is given in the command line, this program will do inverse
conversion. Usage:
echa4toecha5 <
sda4_eff_cha_file > sda5_eff_cha_file
echa4toecha5 -inv <
sda5_eff_cha_file > sda4_eff_cha_file
mk_hd3g_grd.f |
Makes a grid of hydrophobic PMF (Lin,
Fawzi, Head-Gordon (2007). Structure 15,
727). These potentials should be used with sda version sda3g
. This program is used the same way as mk_hd_grd, with the input
file of the same form, except that parameters a,b and factor are
not used (although the numbers and lines should be present).
ncmx2rmsd_appr.f |
Calculates (approximately) the
of complexes written in the fort.55 file to the original (as given in
input pdb
files) complex. Usage:
ncmx2rmsd_appr ncoa(optional)
< fort.55
where the optional parameter ncoa forces the program to
process only every ncoa-th record in the SDA trajectory file fort.55.
nda-pairs.f |
Calculates donor-acceptor pairs
for a complex given as 2 pdb files. Usage:
nda-pairs pdb1f pdb2f cutmax
where pdb1f is the filename of the first solute in the complex and
pdb2f is the filename for the second solute. cutmax is a maximal
distance (in A) between donor and acceptor atoms, default value
of 4.5 A is used if this parameter is not given. The results are
written to files 1.rxna and 2.rxna - these are donor or acceptor
atoms of the first and second solute, respectively; and the atom on
the N-th line of 1.rxna is a pair for the atom on the N-th line of
nhis2dcd.f |
Converts the trajectory written
by SDA in a fort.55 file to a DCD format. Usage:
nhis2dcd pdbf hisf outf
pdbf - pdb filename of
the 2nd (mobile) solute
hisf - trajectory file
(fort.55) name
outf - output DCD filename
nhis2his.f |
Rewrites a trajectory file to
another trajectory file with configurations written only every given
time interval (in picoseconds). Usage:
nhis2his dt < hisf1 > hisf2
dt - time interval (ps)
between snapshots in a new trajectory file
hisf1 - original
trajectory file
hisf2 - new (converted)
trajectory file
nhis2hisn.f |
Rewrites a trajectory file to
another trajectory file with configurations written only every given
number of BD steps. Usage:
nhis2his ncoa < hisf1 >
ncoa - interval between
snapshots in a new trajectory file
hisf1 - original
trajectory file
hisf2 - new (converted)
trajectory file
nhis2pdbs.f |
Converts complexes in a file
fort.55 to a set of PDB files. Usage:
nhis2pdbs hisf pdbf X nmax
hisf - trajectory file
pdbf - pdb file for the
mobile solute
X -
first letter for generated pdb files (these file will have names like
nmax - a number of
trajectory records to process
nos2rates.f |
Extracts rates and
calculates averages and deviations from a set of sda
output files. Usage:
nos2rates outf1 outf2 outf3 ...
outf1 etc - sda output
Extracts residence times
and calculate averages and deviations from a set of sda-koff
output files. Usage:
nos2times outf1 outf2 outf3 ...
outf1 etc - sda-koff
nos2fractions.f |
Extracts a fraction of reactive
and calculates average and deviation from a set of sda-sites
output files. Usage:
nos2fractions outf1 outf2 outf3
outf1 etc - sda-sites
files |
Rewrites ATOM records of pdb
file to locate the first atom name letter at position 13.
Optionally writes only heavy atoms. Usage:
rewrite-pdb < pdb-file > rewritten-pdb-file
rewrite-pdb -noh <
pdb-file > pdb-file-without-hydrogens
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