MCM logo Molecular and Cellular Modeling
HITS gGmbH (formerly EML Research gGmbH), Heidelberg

Comparison of binding parameters of (1S)-camphor and (1R)-camphor

Uncoupling (%)113
For oxidized protein:--
Kd (microM)7.42.3
P(1/2) (MPa)288305
deltaV (cm3/mol)-57-70
spin trans. rate (% low-spin/K)0.3040.106
rmsd (Angstrom)0.900.55
For reduced protein:--
deltaH (kJ/mol)-4.49.5
deltaS (J/Kmol)60.2131.9
deltaG (kJ/mol)-22.3-29.9
rmsd (Angstrom)0.970.58

Table 1.

-Kd was measured at 277 K in 60% glycerol.
-Kspin was measured at 297 K.
-P(1/2) and deltaV are measured by application of hydrostatic pressure.
-The spin transition rate is given for fast cooling from 298 to 78 K.
-The rmsd is the root mean standard deviation of the camphor non-hydrogen atoms from their mean positions during molecular dynamics simulations of the camphor-cytochrome P450cam complexes at 300 K.
-See [10] for details of the above.
-deltaH, deltaS and deltaG are derived from measurements of the kon and koff by FTIR of the CO stretch band at 297 K in 60% glycerol.[1]

All these measurements point to the less optimal binding and greater mobility of (1S)-camphor in the cytochrome P450cam binding site compared to (1R)-camphor.

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Wade et al. (1996) Fundamentals of Enzyme-Ligand Interactions in Cytochrome P450cam
POPE5 Conference Proceedings
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