MCM logo Molecular and Cellular Modeling
HITS gGmbH (formerly EML Research gGmbH), Heidelberg

Ionic strength and solvent dielectric dependence of K1d

Figure 2.

Effect of ionic strength on the first step equilibrium constant, K1d, for binding of camphor to wild-type cytochrome P450cam (open circles) and the D251N mutant (closed circles). Experiments were performed at 20 deg. C. in 100mM Tris-HCl at pH 7. [2].

Figure 3.

Effect of altering the solvent dielectric constant on the first step equilibrium constant, K1d, for the binding of camphor to wild-type cytochrome P450cam (open circles) and the D251N mutant (closed circles). Experiments were performed at 20 deg. C. in a water/ethylene glycol mixture at pH 7. Addition of increasing amounts of salt to a 50% ethylene glycol-containing sample showed that the effect on K1d induced by the dielectric constant could be reversed by changes in the ionic strength [2].

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Wade et al. (1996) Fundamentals of Enzyme-Ligand Interactions in Cytochrome P450cam
POPE5 Conference Proceedings
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