Simulation of Diffusional
(version 6)
Frequently asked questions
I do
not have UHBD, can I still run SDA ?
- No-force simulations (or simulations with only hydrophobic
forces) need no electrostatic potential grids. These simulations
will do Brownian dynamics of solute molecules that are not interacting
electrostatically. In these simulations, formation of different types
complexes can be monitored and the shape of the
solutes at atomic level accuracy
will also be taken into account.
- To simulate proteins interacting electrostatically, you need
electrostatic potential grids for your proteins in UHBD format.
These can be calculated with UHBD or with other programs, for example, APBS. Important to note
is that electrostatic
potential grids calculated with APBS and written in UHBD
format are in ASCII format and in the units kT/e, whereas
potentials written by UHBD are in units of kcal/mol/e.
To make computed potentials with APBS written in UHBD
format compatible with SDA, you may use the program auxi/apbs2uhbd, with an
appropriate scaling parameter for converting kT
kcal/mole (0.6 at 300 K).
I do
not have NACCESS, can I still run SDA ?
- SDA can use the NACCESS
subroutine solva() instead of a slow
routine with the same name in the distribution package of
SDA. When tested on pdb file 1lzt, 1000 atoms, SDA's solva.f routine
appears to be 6 times slower than NACCESS and has
a maximal deviation of 1.2 Å2 and average deviation
for atomic accessibilities calculated with the probe radius of 1.4
Å. For a larger number of atoms, the accuracy of
calculations does not change, but SDA's solva.f calculation time
increases proportionally to the square of the number of atoms.
a dimer of pyruvate kinase, 1a49, ca 16000 atoms, NACCESS calculations
take 5.5 sec and SDA's solva.f calculations take 550 sec, on a 2 GHz
CPU. To switch to the NACCESS routine, copy subroutines
solva() and sortag() of the NACCESS file accall.f
(lines 699-1076) to the file solva.f and recompile SDA. Pay
attention to matching the values of maxa in and maxs in this
new solva.f - .
I do not have HARLEM, can I still run
SDA to calculate electron transfer rates ?
- You might use a simpler description of electron transfer than
is implemented in SDA (via
many possible pathways). In some
cases, good estimates can be obtained by simply giving electron donor
and acceptor as
reaction atom pairs for SDA. >
Should I always use ECM to run SDA
- Instead of effective charges you can use other charges, keeping
mind that electrostatic interactions calculated using them may be less
accurate, than interactions calculated using effective charges.
- To check the accuracy of interaction energies calculated with SDA
you can use the program sda-ener for a set of representative complexes
and compare these energies with separately calculated energies (for
example, with UHBD).
What are the 2
of effective charges ?
- Variant _R of effective charges is used in SDA6. To obtain
the electrostatic potential of a solute in solvent using these
charges, it is necessary to
divide by
the solvent relative dielectric constant. For example, in the case of a
charge in a
nonionic solvent, the potential is:
- Variant _E charges are input to SDA 4.23 and they are
than variant _R charges by a factor equal to the solvent dielectric
constant. For the same example, the potential is:
- One more example: effective
charge values for a unit charge at the center of a spherical cavity of
constant in water with dielectric constant 78.5 are: _R variant: 1.0,
_E variant: 1/78.5~0.012739.
do I change solvent ionic strength conditions in SDA
calculations ?
- You have to set the ionic strength value in calculations of:
- electrostatic potentials
- effective charges
- electrostatic desolvation grids