sda FAQ

1. What is new in this program ? 2. How is the program optimized for speed and what is paid for that? 3. Why is the standard executable that big ? 4. How do I know what  size the potential grid should be ? 5. While modeling the association at different ionic strengths by sda, I have got oscillating ionic strength dependence of association rates... 6. How do I check if the probe radius to represent all atoms of the second protein is adequate ? 7. The computed rates seem too high, the contact distance dependence shows a saturation tendency at  3-4 Å... 8. Different treatments of hydrogens give different results.... 9. Different treatment of some side chain conformations give different results... 10. How do I use option iforce=2? 11. What are the different executables for ? 12. I got a strange exclusion grid profile in the file fort.77. 13. How long simulations need I run ? 14. Are there any cutoff artefacts ? 15. All 3 reaction criteria options appear to deal with specific contacts. What could I do to study non-specific contact formation ? 16. How can I watch the Brownian motion of proteins simulated by the program ?
  • The visualization is done in 4 steps.
  • First choose the trajectory to be visualized from the normal run. This can be done by looking at fort.66, where a long trajectory indicates that the proteins are interacting strongly, although not necessarily at the right place. Or it can be done by running sda with nprint=1 and tracking the trajectory after which the recorded reaction rate (beta) for the close contacts changes - this means that reaction took place at the end of this trajectory.  In the output file, the beta-s are recorded sequentially in one record starting with the trajectory number for each contact distance, and sequentially for 1,2,3,4 contacts.
  • The second step is to run sda which will record the indicated trajectory. For this, the parameter iwrite in the input file should be set to the number of the trajectory to be written into file fort.55.
  • The third step is to use the program his2pdbs.f from the aux/ directory, which reads this fort.55 file and writes a sequence of pdb files.  It reads 3 lines from standard input: the name of the pdb file with the coordinates of the second protein; the name of the history file (fort.55); and the first letter (say L) to appear in the name of the pdb files of form SXXXX.pdb.
  • The fourth step depends on the visualization software you have.  For QUANTA it may be useful to convert this set of pdb files to DCD format.  To make movies, I  loaded a set of pdb files into InsightII sequentially, making snapshots, and then converting the set of snapshots into a movie file - this needs to be done with an InsightII script, since there are several hundred files to be processed.
  • An example of this procedure is given n sda distribution.

    R. Gabdoulline,
    R.C. Wade,
    February, 2000; March 2005 Privacy Imprint