@text Representation of the proteins as a points in 3D based on similarities of their interaction fields. The distance between proteins i and j is defined as D(i,j) = sqrt(2-2*SI(i,j)), where SI(i,j) is the similarity index of their interaction fields. Four points defining the 3D space were chosen as follows: a) The first two points (1 and 2) are chosen as those for which the distance D(1,2), is largest. This D(1,2) is then used for normalization of all other distances. b) Point 3 is chosen so that the area of the triangle formed by points 1,2 and 3 is the largest. c) Point 4 is chosen so that the volume of the tetrahedron formed by points 1,2,3 and 4 is the largest. The 3D coordinates assigned to these 4 points are (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (a,b,0), (c,d,e), where a, b, c, d and e are computed unambiguously from the 6 pairwise distances. The other compounds are projected onto this defined 3D space with coordinates determined from their SI(i,j) values. @kinemage 1 @caption Representation of the proteins as a points in 3D based on similarities of their interaction fields. (see MAGE Text) This representation is approximate and distorts original distance matrix. Accuracy may be measured by similarity of the original matrix to the matrix derived from 3D distribution; Hodgkin index of this similarity is : 0.901 (more accurate means this index close to 1.000) @onewidth @matrix 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 @viewid {x y} @2zoom 1.0 @2zslab 2 @2center 1.053 0.332 0.142 @2matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 @2viewid {x z} @3zslab 2 @3matrix 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 @3viewid {z y} @group {ALL} @balllist {ALL} color= white radius= 0.008 { 1 DM_PLCGD_2 } 0.219 -0.037 0.244 { 2 HSORFV } 1.362 0.494 0.009 { 3 H_ABR } 1.360 0.414 0.009 { 4 H_BSYN2_2 } 1.735 0.000 0.000 { 5 H_BTK } 1.293 1.084 0.000 { 6 H_MIG2 } 1.334 0.523 0.021 { 7 H_ORFA } 1.333 0.473 -0.019 { 8 H_PLCG_2 } 0.000 0.000 0.000 { 9 TC_SYN_2 } 0.844 0.040 1.017