Brownian dynamics simulations of barnase-barstar association


Step 1.
Run Brownian dynamics simulations.

Copy necessary data and programs, to your local directory:
unzip /home/client1/data/
or download and unzip the file

Chdir to sda/ directory and type:
>./bin/run_sda .

- in ~ 2 mins, this script will:
- compute electrostatic potentials of the proteins using UHBD,
- prepare the necessary force field files,
- run BD simulations with SDA,
- write rate info to file "rates" (where the rate of formation of 2 contacts at 7 A
is 3.7e9 M-1s-1, compared to the experimental rate of 3e9 M-1s-1)
- write one trajectory to file fort.55,
- rewrite the trajectory to file cmxs200, so that the trajectory snapshots are
separated in time by (approximately) 200 ps.
- convert this file to a standard format dynamics trajectory file called cmxs.DCD

The computations performed are transparent if you look at the script
bin/run_sda. Parameter and input files all are in the data/ directory.
To understand exactly which parameters are used in the simulations,
you can look at the sda documentation which is accessible on the web from

Step 2.
Visualize a Brownian Dynamics simulation trajectory.

2a. Start vmd (type /home/client1/programs/vmd/vmd in a command prompt).
Stop rotation by pressing the left mouse button.

2b. In the command-line window type: play
- this will load 3 pdb files, colour them so that the target protein
(barnase) is blue, the moving protein (barstar) is red, and the docked position
for barstar is green.
- The view will be adjusted by scaling and trajectory animation will
play once - this is the Brownian dynamics trajectory simulated.

2c. Click on the Animate button of the command window of vmd.
- You have the possibility to re-play the Brownian dynamics animation.
There are 5 buttons to manage animation: (from left to right)
back_play - step_back - stop - step_forward - play_forward.
During the animation, you can alter the viewing perspective as follows:
>to rotate, type 'r' and then press left-mouse button;
>to scale, type 's' and then press left-mouse button while moving the mouse
>to translate, type 't' then press left-mouse button.
- The time step between trajectory snapshots is 200 ps. During this time
the proteins move ca. 6 A by random diffusion.

2d. At the beginning of the simulation, barstar is on the same side of barnase as
its binding site, but its orientation was not suitable for precise docking.
- Barstar then spent a lot of time (~50 ns) interacting with the guanine
binding loop of barnase, until it achieves the right orientation,
- Type in 261 in the Jump_To selection of the window animate to see this.
- Then barstar moves away and comes back in ~15 ns, to adopt
an arrangement allowing subsequent docking
- Type in 337 in the Jump_To selection of the window animate to see
this arrangement.

2e. In Brownian dynamics simulations, association to formation of a diffusional
encounter complex is simulated. The subsequent step of docking to form
a fully bound complex is not simulated and would require a more detailed
force field accounting for attractive short-range interactions and side-chain
rearrangements. This means that after satisfaction of contact criteria for
formation of a diffusional encounter complex barstar eventually diffuses away
from barnase in the Brownian dynamics simulations.
- In this simulation, barstar remains in
close proximity to its docked position for ca 10 ns (steps 330-360),
which is significantly longer than side-chain rearrangement times required for
docking of these proteins.

Razif Gabdoulline, 6/2000, 6/2001 Privacy Imprint