After opening this page, you should have 2 windows appeared: the Molsurfer
window showing the 2 dimensional map of the interface; and the WebMol
window showing the 3 dimensional view of the protein-protein complex
and the interface.
Use menu File--Open to switch between the
Use menu View to switch between the properties
to be displayed on the 2D map;
Use Mouse to move/drag/click across the map
to navigate in the 3D structure;
To adjust the range for displaying properties
on 2D map, click left/right mouse button on the color bar;
Use features of WebMol while viewing 3D -
stereo, colouring, selecting etc;
Use menu File--Quit when done.
Details of interface mapping for a demo:
Each PDB file was split into 2 parts giving
coordinates of the first and the second proteins forming the interface;
A quasi rectangular mesh of ca 1 spacing
was generated on the analytically defined interface between these 2 proteins;
Points for which the sum of the distances
to the closest atoms of proteins 1 and 2 exceeds 6 were deleted;
Heteroatoms were added which lie within 3
of any interface point;
The properties of each protein were projected
onto every point of the interface; these are the properties assigned to the
closest atom to the point;
Electrostatic potential of each (isolated)
protein was computed with the UHBD program by solving FD LPBE and the potential values
were interpolated at each interface point.
Additionally, the changes in binding free energy
upon alanine mutation were assigned to each side-chain atom of the corresponding
residue. This property is included for interfaces for which these data
are available for at least one of the proteins. See the
recent compilation by A. Bogan and K. Thorn
Residue hydrophobicities are assigned according
to the residue name and following the parameters in Eisenberg D., Weiss
R.M., Terwilliger T.C. and Wilcox W. (1982) Farad. Symp. Chem. Soc.,
109-120, namely:
ALA 0.25
GLN -0.69 LEU 0.53
SER -0.26 ARG -1.80 GLU
-0.62 LYS -1.10
THR -0.18 ASN -0.64 GLY
0.16 MET 0.26
TRP 0.37 ASP -0.72 HIS
-0.40 PHE 0.61
TYP 0.02 CYS 0.04
ILE 0.73 PRO -0.07
VAL 0.54 none of the above
Atomic hydrophobicities are assigned according
to the atom name and follow Eisenberg D., Wesson M., Yamashita M.
(1989) Chem. Scrip., 29A, 217-221, namely: