@text 3D projection of protein hydrophobic potential similarity indices, obtained from the analysis at the Cu-site. Color code as in figure 1. @kinemage 1 @onewidth 3D projection of proteins based on differences in their hydrophobic potentials at the Cu-site. @matrix 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 @viewid {x y} @2zoom 1.0 @2zslab 2 @2center 0.552 0.236 0.147 @2matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 @2viewid {x z} @3zslab 2 @3matrix 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 @3viewid {z y} @group {hydrophobic SIs} @dotlist {bact.plastocyanins} color= yellow { 5 1b3i } 0.554 0.272 0.163 { 6 1baw } 0.678 0.243 0.092 { 11 1nin } 0.486 0.265 0.132 { 13 1pcs } 0.639 0.215 0.111 @dotlist {euk.plastocyanins} color= green { 3 1ag6 } 0.740 0.141 0.081 { 7 1iuz } 0.770 0.133 0.108 { 10 1kdj } 0.520 0.238 0.116 { 14 1plb } 0.657 0.182 0.098 { 16 1pnd } 0.644 0.158 0.102 { 22 2plt } 0.764 0.132 0.154 { 24 7pcy } 1.000 0.000 0.000 { 26 9pcy } 0.764 0.134 0.084 @dotlist {azurins} color= cyan { 4 1arn } 0.530 0.309 0.190 { 9 1joi } 0.555 0.287 0.192 { 12 1nwo } 0.522 0.286 0.217 { 18 1rkr } 0.536 0.341 0.168 { 20 2aza } 0.533 0.269 0.261 { 23 4azu } 0.582 0.253 0.208 @dotlist {pseudoazurins} color= blue { 2 1adw } 0.000 0.000 0.000 { 15 1pmy } 0.346 0.261 0.105 { 19 1zia } 0.198 0.173 0.052 { 25 8paz } 0.270 0.182 0.085 @dotlist {amicyanins} color= orange { 27 aminmr } 0.544 0.229 0.155 { 1 1aac } 0.525 0.288 0.118 @dotlist {rusticyanin} color= magenta { 17 1rcy } 0.474 0.850 0.000 @dotlist {CBP} color= white { 21 2cpb } 0.544 0.247 0.183 @dotlist {stellacyanin} color= brown { 8 1jer } 0.537 0.294 0.790