Classification of auxin related compounds based on similarity of their interaction fields: Extension to a new set of compounds

Tomic, S.1,2, Gabdoulline, R.R.1, Kojic-Prodic, B.2 and Wade, R.C.1
1European Molecular Biology Laboratory, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany
2Institute Rudjer Boskovic, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Among the five known types of plant hormone, auxins are the most important. In conjunction with other hormones, mostly cytokinins, they control the growth of stems, roots, flowers and fruits. Although auxins were the first type of plant hormone to be identified, the molecular mechanism of their action is still unknown .
We previously developed and applied a procedure employing similarity indices to classify auxin compounds according to their interaction properties [1]. The compounds were divided into four classes, according to their molecular interaction energy fields (MIFs): active, weakly active with weak antiauxin behaviour, inactive and inhibitory. The MIFs of different compounds were compared by computing similarity indices. Here, using this method, the activities of a new set of auxin-related compounds are predicted and a new 3D library of about 70 auxin-related compounds is presented using Chemscape CHIME. We derive a distribution of the compounds in 3D space according to their similarity indices and visualize it with the MAGE program. Analysis of this distribution enables rationalization of the correlations between the classes.

Keywords:QSAR, auxins, molecular modeling, molecular alignment,
interaction similarity, n-alkyl-IAA, CHIME, MAGE

Abbreviations: MIF: molecular interaction field; IAA: indole-3-acetic acid; SI: similarity index; Me: methyl; Et: ethyl; Pr: propyl; Bu: butyl



2.Outline of the classification method

3. Classification of new compounds

4. 3D library of auxins

5. Distribution of compounds in 3D space defined by similarity of their interaction properties

6. Summary

7. References


We previously performed a classification of a set of about 50 auxin-related compounds with measured biological activities [2, 28] according to their interaction properties [1]. In this work, we used our classification procedure to predict the activities of 12 additional compounds, most of which are n-alkyl-IAAs. n-Alkylated-IAAs are interesting to study because the relations between their biological activities are expected to be correlated with their binding affinity and this study should provide some information about the possible shape and size of the auxin binding site. For systems of compound homologues and positional isomers, such as n-alkyl-IAAs, metabolic stability, partition between different cell compartments and uptake can be expected to differ less than for chemically more different compounds. For some of the compounds studied here, activity measurements have recently been performed [29, 30] and thus these provide a good test of the methodology. For others, activity measurements will be made [31] but are not yet available, and thus we present these classifications as predictions.
In addition, we have utilized the advantage of the World Wide Web to present: 1) a new 3D library of the auxins, consisting of the compounds classified previously [1] and those classified in this work, using Chemscape CHIME [32]; and 2) a new analysis of the compound classification by projecting similarity indices onto 3D space and displaying their distribution using the MAGE [33] program.

Modeling of compounds:

From ab initio calculations performed on indole auxins [34, 35], there are two main conformations of these compounds differing in the mutual orientation of the indole ring and the main side chain with the carboxyl group: the planar conformation has the side chain in the plane of the indole ring and the tilted conformation has the side chain approximately perpendicular to this plane.
For all other non-indole auxins, two low energy conformations, "P" and "T", that could be aligned best to the planar and tilted IAA conformers, respectively, were modeled.

Although classes were on average distinguishable in both sets of conformations, better differentiation was achieved for the "T" than the "P" conformers [1]. So for the classification of any new compound, low energy conformers similar to the tilted conformation of IAA are used. The "T" conformers of all analyzed compounds are shown in the 3D library of auxins. The conformers may be obtained using any available ab initio, semiempirical or molecular mechanics method that enables adequate modeling of the desired compound. Although none of the molecular mechanics force fields that we tested was able to accurately reproduce results obtained by ab initio calculations (RHF 6-31G*) [34, 35, 36], our experience [36] shows that the CFF91 force field [37] used in the DISCOVER program [38] gives sufficiently good results.

Calculation of MIFs:

Molecular interaction fields were computed for each compound using the GRID [40] program. Calculations were performed either on points on a 1 spacing grid in a volume around molecules or on points defining a probe accessible surface. The most suitable probes were found to be H2O, NH2+, CH3 and carbonyl O [1].


Biological activity

Modeling Classification procedures

Alignment Calculation of MIFs 1) on 3D grids 2) on skins Results and discussion Differences between the classification procedures
Calculated vs measured activities Summary Summary

Acknowledgements REFERENCES
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