Dynamically Adapting the Degree of Parallelism with Reflexive Programs

Niels Reimer (reimer@ira.uka.de)
Stefan U. Hnssgen (haenssgen@ira.uka.de)
Walter F. Tichy (tichy@ira.uka.de)

IPD, Fakultt fr Informatik, Universitt Karlsruhe, Germany


In this paper we present a new method for achieving a higher cost-efficiency on parallel computers. We insert routines into a program which detect the amount of computa tional work without using problem - specific parameters and adapt the number of used CPUs at runtime under given speedup/efficiency constraints. Several user-tunable strategies for selecting the number of processors are presented and compared. The modularity of this approach and its application - independence permit a general use on parallel computers with a scalable degree of parallelism.

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