Simulation of Diffusional Association
(version 6)

Changes in 6.00 (January 2010) and 6.02 (September 2010)
Changes in 5.01

  • Added an extra force (nonpolar/hydrophobic desolvation force) calculated by multiplying the accessibilities of atoms of one solute with a special grid for the second solute.  This grid is called the hydrophobic desolvation grid and this term can approximate the interaction due to buried solvent accessible area.  The program to calculate suitable grids is mk_hd_grd.
  • Option to calculate electron transfer rate constants has been added.  These calculations are done when icommrxn=4.  Reaction atom pairs should have pre-calculated coupling constants to respective donor or acceptor sites - this can be done using the program HARLEM
  • The program to calculate electrostatic desolvation grids has been changed to take into account the lack of ions in the solvent layer between close solutes (separated by less than the ion diameter).
  • The program sda-ener has been added.  It recalculates energies of previously recorded encounter complexes with any user-supplied parameters. >
  • The program sda-koff has been added.  It monitors how predefined contact pairs are lost during Brownian dynamics of proteins starting from a bound complex.
  • The maximal dimensions of the grids have been uncoupled.  It is possible to define different maximal dimensions for different types of grids as well as for different proteins.  The grid spacing is not fixed to 1 Å anymore.
  • The random number generator has been replaced with a better one (randgen of R.Chandler and P.Northrop).
  • The ECM effective charges used in SDA have been changed. Variant _R of effective charges are used in SDA5, while charges used as input to SDA4.23 are the variant _E, see details here.
  • The input file format has been changed, i.e. some input parameters have been reordered. The output file format has been changed slightly.
  • A trajectory analysis tool was included in the SDA packaged. This can be found in auxi/traj_analysis.

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$LastChangedDate: 2010-10-06 15:40:58 +0200 (Wed, 06 Oct 2010) $ by $Author: richtesn $

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