Simulation of Diffusional
(version 5.01)

SDA simulates the diffusional association of two proteins or other
molecules given the
atomic structure of the bound complex of the two molecules. SDA can
be used to calculate bimolecular association rates, record Brownian
dynamics trajectories or encounter complexes and calculate bimolecular
electron transfer rate constants.
To run SDA, the following programs may
be needed:
- ECM - Effective Charges for
Macromolecules in solvent - a
program to calculate partial atomic charges used for computing accurate
interaction forces and energies - included in this SDA distribution.
- UHBD -
University of Houston Brownian Dynamics program used by SDA to
electrostatic potentials.
- APBS -
Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver used by SDA to calculate
electrostatic potentials. (APBS calculated electrostatic
potentials should be converted to binary UHBD format.)
- to calculate the electronic coupling between donor (or
acceptor) atoms and accessible atoms of a protein (for electron
rate calculations only).
atomic solvent accessibility calculation program.
In this SDA distribution,
can be used to compute the rate of
formation of a user-defined set of intermolecular contacts and
the rate constants for electron transfer during diffusion of two
The other programs in the SDA distribution can be used as follows:
- sda-koff - calculates the
time during which user-defined contacts
are maintained - this gives an approximation for the lifetimes of a
- sda-ener - re-calculates
energies for a recorded set of
- sda3g - does the same as sda but uses a different
implementation of hydrophobic forces.
- sda-site - calculates
Brownian dynamics trajectories starting at a given solute
configuration and ending when the diffusing solutes satisfy given reaction criteria
or diffuse beyond a specified distance apart
The current version of SDA (Simulation of Diffusional Association) may be downloaded from
References describing the method
Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC. Brownian Dynamics Simulation
of Protein-Protein Encounter. Methods (1998)
3, 329-341. (
Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC. Simulation of the
Diffusional Association of Barnase and Barstar. Biophys. J.
72, 1917-1929. (
Describe SDA method
Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC.
Effective charges for
Macromolecules in Solvent. J. Phys. Chem. (1996)
100, 3868-3878. (
Describes ECM method
ElcockAH, Gabdoulline RR, Wade RC and
McCammon JA.
Computer Simulation of Protein-Protein Association Kinetics:
Acetylcholinesterase-Fasciculin. J. Mol. Biol. (1999)
149-162. (
electrostatic desolvation term
Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC
On the contributions of diffusion and thermal activation to electron transfer between Phormidium laminosum plastocyanin and cytochrome f : Brownian dynamics simulations with explicit modeling of nonpolar desolvation interactions and electron transfer events.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2009)
131 9230-9238. (
nonpolar desolvation term
describing applications
- Harel, M., Spaar, A. and
Schreiber G. Fruitful and Futile Encounters along the Association Reaction between Proteins
. Biophys. J. (2009) 96, 4237-4248.
- Spaar, A., Floeck, D. and
Helms V. Association of Cytochrome c with Membrane-Bound Cytochrome c Oxidase Proceeds Parallel
to the Membrane Rather Than in Bulk Solution
. Biophys. J. (2009) 96, 1721-1732.
- Feldman-Salit, A., Wirtz, M., Hell, R. and
Wade RC. A mechanistic model of the cysteine synthase complex
. J. Mol. Biol. (2009) 386, 37-59.
- Motiejunas D, Gabdoulline RR, Wang T, Feldman-Salit A, Johann T,
Winn PJ, Wade RC. Protein-protein docking by simulating the process of
association subject to biochemical constraints. Proteins (2008) 71, 1955-1969.
- Pachov G, Gabdoulline RR, Wade RC. Simulation of Linker
Histone-Chromatin Interactions. In "From Computational Biophysics
to Systems Biology (CBSB2007)", John von Neumann Institute for
Computing, Juelich | NIC Series (2007) 36, 69-74.
- Blachut-Okrasinska E and
Antosiewicz JM. Brownian Dynamics
Simulations of Binding mRNA Cap Analogues to eIF4E Protein. J.
Phys. Chem. B (2007) 111
(45), 13107-15. (doi)
- Spaar A, Dammer C, Gabdoulline RR, Wade RC and Helms V.
Diffusional encounter of barnase and
barstar. Biophys. J. (2006) 90,
1913-1924. (Abstract)
- Spaar A and Helms V.
Ionic strength effects on the association funnel of barnase and barstar
investigated by Brownian dynamics simulations. J. Non-Crystalline
Solids (2006) 352,(42-49):4437-44.
- Lin J and Beratan DN. Simulation of electron transfer between
cytochrome c2 and the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center:
Brownian dynamics analysis of the native protein and double mutants. J.
Phys. Chem. B (2005)109,
7529-7534. (doi)
- Flöck D, Helms V. A Brownian dynamics study: the
effect of a membrane environment on an electron transfer system. Biophys J. (2004)
87(1): 65-74. (Abstract)
- Wang T, Tomic S, Gabdoulline RR, Wade RC. How optimal are the
binding energetics of barnase and barstar? Biophys J. (2004) 87(3): 1618-30. (Abstract)
- Sun J, Viadiu H, Aggarwal AK and Weinstein H. Energetic and
Structural Considerations for the Mechanism of Protein Sliding along
DNA in the Nonspecific BamHI-DNA Complex. Biophys J. (2003) 84(5):
3317–25. (Abstract)
- Gabdoulline RR, Kummer U, Olsen LF, Wade RC. Concerted
simulations reveal how peroxidase compound III formation results in
cellular oscillations. Biophys J. (2003) 85(3):1421-8. (Abstract)
- Elcock AH. Atomistic Simulations of
Competition between Substrates Binding
to an Enzyme. Biophys J
(2002) 82(5): 2326-32. (Abstract)
- Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC. Biomolecular
diffusional association. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. (2002) 12, 204-213. (doi)
- De Rienzo F, Gabdoulline RR, Menziani MC, De Benedetti
PG and Wade RC. Electrostatic Analysis and Brownian Dynamics
Simulation of the Association of Plastocyanin and Cytochrome F.
Biophys. J. (2001) 81,
3090-3104. (Abstract)
- Elcock AH and McCammon JA. Calculation of weak protein-protein
interactions: The pH
dependence of the second virial coefficient. Biophys J. (2001) 80(2): 613-25. (Abstract)
- Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC.
Protein-protein Association:
Investigation of Factors Influencing Association Rates by Brownian
Dynamics Simulations. J. Mol. Biol. (2001) 306, 1139-1155. (doi)
- Sept D, Elcock AH and McCammon JA.
Computer Simulation of Actin Polymerization Can Explain the
Asymmetry. J.Mol.Biol. (1999) 294,
1181-1189. (doi)
- ElcockAH, Gabdoulline RR, Wade RC and McCammon JA.
Computer Simulation of Protein-Protein Association Kinetics:
Acetylcholinesterase-Fasciculin. J. Mol. Biol. (1999) 291,
149-162. (doi)
- Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC. On the Protein-Protein
Diffusional Encounter Complex. J. Mol. Recogn. (1999) 12,
226-234. (Abstract)
- Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC. Brownian Dynamics Simulation
of Protein-Protein Encounter. Methods (1998) 3, 329-341. (doi)
- Madura JD, Briggs JM, Wade RC and Gabdoulline RR.
Brownian Dynamics. In "Encyclopedia of Computational
Chemistry''. Eds. Schleyer PvR., Allinger NL, Clark T,
Gasteiger J, Kollman PA and Schaefer HF, Schreiner PR. John Wiley
& Sons: Chichester, UK, (1998) 1,
141-154. (Link)
- Gabdoulline RR and Wade RC. Simulation of the
Diffusional Association of Barnase and Barstar. Biophys. J.
(1997) 72, 1917-1929. (Abstract)
June 2009
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